
Unexperiences are activated by performers who shift their attitudes and moods, embodying and slightly distorting suspicion, awe, confusion, pensiveness, sadness, boredom, joy, alienation, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, hypersensitivity... Sometimes their hyper-embodied and, at the same time, abstract reactions seem to be related to the space, other people, objects, or to shared expectations and conventions. Unexperiences are inserted in "inappropriate" contexts where something else is already happening, adding an extra layer to their ordinary function (art spaces, supermarkets, airports…). Meetings are produced between two types of audiences, attentions, situations, performers. 

In art contexts we're supposed to be moved, yet at the same time, the convention is to behave contained and composed. In our increasingly programmed environments the embodied affectivity is avoided, we mostly experience images of emotions, disembodied clichés. Unexperiences are deviations from the pre-packaged affectivity. States and emotions shouldn't be just interior – Unexperiences are a way of relating with environments, and at the same time, because they are contagious, a way of creating environments. Artworks are usually visual, sound or conceptual, Unexperiences is affect based.

Unexperiences can appear uninvited at some venues – Unofficial Unworks.
Performers Eliza Trefas, Martina Piazzi, Florin Flueras.  

Shown at Berlin Biennale, Matter of Art Prague Biennale, Station Service Belgrade, Alta Studio Prague, Fabrica de Pensule Cluj, ICR gallery Berlin, FAP Sao Paulo, Projects Salon Bucharest, Art Opening Bucharest Airport.
With the support of Station Belgrade.
Unexperiences in the frame of Unofficial Unworks at Venice Biennale 2024 

 Unexperiences at Matter of Art Prague Biennale 2022 


Unexperiences part of Unofficial Unworks at Berlin Biennale 2022

Unexperiences at FAP Sao Paulo (2017)

Unexperiences part of Unofficial Unworks at Berardo Museum Lisbon (2019)


Unexperiences in supermarkets

 Unexperiences part of Art Opening at Bucharest Airport (2021)